Special Interest Group No.5 - Mineral & Inorganic Crystallography
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The currnet list of members of the SIG of Mineralogical Crystallography is far from including all the European mineralogists involved with crystallography. To start the SIG the aim of the promoters has been to obtain the initial assent of a representative group of scientists who, in different European countries, can serve as a first reference for the activities of the European Crystallographic Association in the field of mineralogy and inorganic structures. Now, after approval, the membership of the SIG is open to all European crystallographers active in the field of mineralogy.

Non-European members

Non-European scientists can also join the SIG No.5, after registering as individual members of the ECA (registration fee: 10 Euro per year).


In occasion of the meeting of the interested crystallographers in Nancy during the ECM-19 (25th - 31st August, 2000) it has been decided to keep the officers of the SIG to the number of three (one cair, one vice-chair and one secretary).
