Special Interest Group No.5 - Mineral & Inorganic Crystallography
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4th ECMS

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Institut de minéralogie et de physique des milieux condensés 4th European Conference on Mineralogy and Spectroscopy
Paris, France, 10 - 14 September 2001

Following Rome (1988), Berlin (1995) and Kiev (1996), here comes Paris (2001) as the 4th Euroconference on spectroscopy and mineralogy.
Solid state spectroscopy enables a refined description of the structural organisation of Earth materials (minerals, amorphous solids, fluids and magmas) and their formation processes. Crucial information can be obtained about site occupancy by major or trace elements, as well as about oxidation states and about chemical bonding. The presence of characteristic elements can be related to the physical properties of Earth materials (optical, mechanical and magnetic properties, element speciation, surface reactivity...). Solid state spectroscopy allows thus to link mineralogy to geochemistry, defining "solid state geochemistry".

Official Website
